Typewriter or typewriter is a machine, or an electronic device with a set of keys that, when pressed, causes the letters printed on the document, usually paper. From the beginning of his invention prior to 1870 until the 20th century, typewriters widely used by professional writers and workers in the office. Since then, the typewriter has become part of the company's business and become a commercial product worldwide. Although still popular with some professions, such as author, typewriter functions have been distracted by the presence of other machines. In the late 1980s, word-processing machines and personal computers (personal computer) has replaced the typewriter function in several countries in the western world. However, typewriters are still used in certain countries in the world today.

History of discovery
Modern typewriter is a development of the typewriter that was originally created in a simple and gradual. The discovery of this technology involves inventors working independently, either individually or in groups, which give rise to competition antarpenemu for decades. Like the invention of the automobile, telephone, and telegraph, in which a number of people each contributed to the invention of this type so that ultimately create a successful commercial product.

Preliminary findings
The invention of the typewriter begins in 1714, when Henry Mill obtained patents for creating a machine that resembles a typewriter. In addition there are also the discovery of carbon paper by Pellegrino Turri which is one of the forerunner of the components typewriter. In 1829, William Justin Burt invented a machine called "typowriter", which is known as the first typewriter. However, these machines work longer than writing by hand, so that Burt can not find a buyer or the company that wants to buy the patent. This causes the machine can not be produced for commercial. Typewriter is used in a way round, instead of buttons to choose a character, so-called "index typewriter", not "typewriter keyboard".

In the mid 1800s, globally can be seen an increase in business communications. This event creates the need for a mechanical process, so that the writing process becomes faster. In 1829 to 1870, the invention of the typewriter many emerging countries in Europe and America, but none succeeded in making a typewriter into a commercially produced product. Then in 1855, Giuseppe Ravizza, an Italian national, create a prototype typewriter. In the end, in 1861, Father Francisco João de Azevedo, a Brazilian priest, creating homemade typewriter. This finding raises the claim that he is a true inventor of the typewriter. This claim later caused controversy. In between 1864 to 1867, Peter Royer, a carpenter Austrian nationality, has developed several prototype models of typewriters and it can function fully in 1867.

Hansen Writing Ball
In 1865, Rev. Rasmus Malling-Hansen created "Hansen Writing Ball", which later became the first typewriter that is sold commercially in 1870. According to the explanation in the book "Who is the inventor of The Writing Ball" in 1865, the keyboard is used in typewriters this is made of ceramic. In the standard-setting process keyboard occurred several experimental stages in the placement of the letter keys are different. Experiments on the placement of the buttons aims to achieve the highest write speeds. This causes Hansen Witing Ball was the first typewriter to produce text faster than writing by hand manually. Experiments on typewriters that Malling-Hansen ciciptakan by these remains had been developed since 1870 to about 1880.

Typewriters first commercially successful was invented by C. Latham Sholes, Carlos Glidden and Samuel W. Soule in 1867. This discovery then obtained patents and purchased by E. Remington and Sons, a manufacturing company.
However, this machine is initially still has some shortcomings, among others, the scribe can not see the result of typing directly and the difficulty will be the placement of the keys that are used to return to its original position. It can then be solved with the advent of "visible typewriters" as Oliver typewriter in 1895.

Proportional spacing
In 1941, IBM declared invention "Electromatic Model 04", which highlight the revolutionary concept of proportional spacing (proportional spacing). This concept makes typewriters have the same distance on each of the different characters, can display the result type, and introducing innovations in the typewriter ribbon that causes letters typed into sharper so that the type becomes clearer.

Manual typewriter achieve standardization of design experience in 1910. These standards include a look at the shape and placement typewriter letters in the keyboard. Innovation that emerged was the discovery of the "shift". These buttons make the keypad can type in two different characters. The "shift" can make the letters to uppercase. In addition, this button can also be used to typing certain symbols, one of which is "percent" (%).

There is also a model of "Barlet", which has the "shift" double that of a single button has three different functions. This innovation brings a positive impact to producers and consumers. Among others, in terms of production cost reduction and simplification in its operation. This causes high levels of adoption of this technology. The weakness of the invention the "shift" is located in the mechanism, which is in operation require more power. This creates difficulties when using the keypad to type certain characters. Then came the discovery of the "shift lock" which is the forerunner of the "caps lock".

Innovation other typewriters appeared at the beginning of the 20th century At that time, typewriters marketed under the name "Noiseless" developed by Wellington Parker Kidder and marketed in 1917. In 1929, the typewriter is being produced. This discovery failed because they did not managed to attract the attention and enthusiasm of consumers. Given these events, the researchers concluded that the sound of "clack-clack" produced by a typewriter is a consumer preference. It is also stated that the claim that the operation of the machine type 'silence' is not true.

Electric Model
The first electric typewriter was produced by Blickensderfer Manufacturing Company in 1902. Typewriters this type was originally not a commercial success because of the lack of standardization of electrical and differences that exist in each city. In 1909, Charles and Howard Krum get a patent on his invention. In 1914 created a typewriter that can be operated with a certain power. Model electric typewriter is to get rid of the direct mechanical connection between the buttons with the elements relating to the paper. = IBM and Remington Rand is a leading model of typewriter, until at some point IBM introduced the typewriter "IBM Selectric" in 1961, which replaces typebar with typeball. Such design has many advantages such as the ease and smoothness of the operation of the typewriter and the quality of higher type.

The next innovation is "Correcting Selectrics", a feature that serves to correct the error in the result type. The workings of this system is the tape that was in front of the ribbon-like carbon films can remove the black powder on the typed characters on paper. There are two types of typewriters which has the concept of proportional spacing, ie "IBM Electronic Typewriter 50" and "Selective Composer", which is equipped with a justification on the right margin.

The layout of the "qwerty" keyboard has become the standardization and remains in use to this day. In 1874, Sholes and Glidden typewriter to create the layout of the keyboard "qwerty". This layout has become the standard in typewriters and computer keyboards in English. Type "qwerty" adjusted in some other countries, such as "qzerty" in Italian, "AZERTY" in French, and "QWERTZ" in Germany. The layout is considered to be less efficient due to slow scribe in typing. However, the layout as this can reduce the frequency typebar prop and jammed in the machine.

Then came a number of proposals regarding the layout of the radicals, such as "Dvorak", but there is nothing that can replace the "qwerty". Typewriters "Blickebsderfer" layout "Dhiatensor" has possibilities as a first attempt to optimize the layout of typewriters for efficiency gains.

Type Typewriter
A. Based on the size of the machine
1. Typewriter Portable - typewriter small size and light weight so it can be taken anywhere. This type of machine is equipped with a lid fruit that resembles a small bag.
2. Typewriters semi-standard - Size typewriters being and have a more complete component of this type of portable typewriters.
3. Typewriters standard - size large and heavy typewriter so difficult to move. Machines of this type of equipment has a more perfect than the other two types of typewriters.
B. Based on the size of the font
1. Typewriter font Pica (Pica type) - Typewriter is usually used to write scientific papers. Pica is a typeface letters large size, each one inch typing occupies ten buffeting.
2. Typewriter letter Elite (Elite type) - typewriter used to type the letters elite, which is smaller than the letter Pica. Each one contains twelve inch typing buffeting.
C. Based propulsion
1. Typewriters manually (manual typewriter) - Type typewriter is often called the typewriter hand, as driven by human hand which includes push button, shift gindaran, and so on.
2. Electric Typewriters (electric typewriter) - Typewriter is driven by electricity. In operation, the human role as controller.

correction method
Specific standardization in typing appeared since the schools secretariat in mid 1900. A business letter should be free of errors and no visible form of correction. The accuracy is as important as speed, one thing yag assessed in test capability and typing competition. Therefore, the correction is important, and there are several methods that can be used.

Traditional correction methods include the use of a special type machine that can remove typos. There is also a method of correction by using the eraser shield, a tool used to remove a set of carbon copy. Other correction methods, namely the discovery of a special paper for typewriters, erasable bond. This paper has a thin material, so that typing errors are easily removed. However, this method is also considered to be less effective, because of the possibility of the elimination of the other characters that occur due to friction. This makes the other characters become dirty and so can not be used in business or for archived.

In 1950 and about 1960, appeared a new invention that correction fluid (correction fluid), with brands such as "Liquid Paper", "Wite-Out", and "Tipp-Ex". This fluid is white and dries quickly so it can typos corrected can be typed back. The weakness of this method is that when the results of typing is directed to the light, then the characters are corrected to become visible. One solution to this response yatu make photocopies of paper that has been corrected. But this can only be done with high-quality copier. Along with the demand for the quality of the copy machine was getting better.

Around 1970, there are also products that dry fast correction, "Ko-Rec-Type" which has functions such as white carbon paper. The culmination of this technology is the IBM Electronic Typewriter series IL 6193. This machine uses the memory correction tape and different characters. With one button, typists can delete typing the wrong character. In fact, more than one method of correction methods are often used.

special term
Here are some words that are still valid from the era of the typewriter to the personal computer era:
• Backspace - keys to move the cursor back one position. This button can be used to combine certain characters such as point, exclamation points, and missing characters, or to correct a character that was typed.
• Carbon copy (CC) - the term to make a copy of an electronic message (in fact, does not require carbon paper literally).
• Carriage Return (CR) - indicates the end of the line and back to the first column of text.
• Cursor - a marker that indicates the location of a character to be typed.
• Cut and Paste - the term to 'take' the text, tables, or images, and then copy it somewhere or other documents.
• Line Feed (LF) or newline - move the cursor on the screen next to the text in document processing the words.
• Shift - a button that modifies certain characters, such as making a regular printed letters into capital.
• Tty - stands for teletypewriter, commonly used for Unix-like operating system for the show stops.

Impact on culture
Technological developments typewriter had a significant impact on the culture. When Remington began marketing the first typewriter, the company assumes that the typewriter is not used to create something, but to copy dictation. Typewriter is an ambiguous word, because it has the meaning of typewriters and women as a typist. Because at that time, the person who typed identical to a woman. This is motivated by the typewriter that has a floral motif, which was originally intended to create comfort for women when using it. Women who originally identical to stay at home, now turned the bow into the office, so there are fears this will effect against public morals. A typist woman to be part of the symbol of office at the beginning of the 20th century.

Nowadays, it appears the various alternatives available for processing or word processing. People are no longer limited to using a typewriter, but also personal computers, laptops, and so on. However, the typewriter is not necessarily abandoned people to process the words. In June 2010, found a new innovation in the typewriter, "The USB Typewriter". This type machine meets the needs of the community as word processing engine and create an atmosphere that is old-fashioned. This modern typewriter can be used as a keyboard that is connected through the USB port on the computer and the like.

Reference: http://id.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesin_ketik

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