Facsimile or commonly known as fax, derived from the word 'fac simile' (make-similar) in Latin, which means making a copy of the same to the original. In other areas, the fax machine can also be called a telecopier. Fax machine is a communications device that is used to transmit a document by using a device that is capable of operating over the telephone network with results similar to the original.
While According A.G. Pringgodigdo, fax machine is a wireless transmission system for drawings and graphics by regulating the beam of light and the photoelectric cell and change the lightest and darkest parts of a material that can be emitted in the sound, then the receiver will turn back as the original to the paper which has been scientifically processed. In addition to submitting the document, the fax machine is also capable of delivering the image of half tone images with the facility. Fax machine usually consists of a modem, copier, scanner images, and the data display devices (printers).