Defining the fifth generation computer becomes quite difficult because this stage is still very young. Examples are the fifth generation computer imaginative fictional HAL9000 computer from the novel by Arthur C. Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey. HAL displays all the desired functions of a fifth-generation computer. With artificial intelligence (artificial intelligence or AI), HAL may have enough reason to hold conversations with humans, using visual input, and learn from his own experience.

Although it may be the realization of HAL9000 is still far from reality, many of the functions that had been established. Some computers can receive verbal instructions and imitate human reasoning. The ability to translate a foreign language also becomes possible. This facility is deceptively simple. However, such facilities become much more complicated than expected when programmers realized that human understanding relies on context and understanding rather than just translate the words directly.


After IC, the development becomes more obvious: reduce the size of circuits and electrical components. Large Scale Integration (LSI) could fit hundreds of components on a chip. In the 1980s, the Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) contains thousands of components in a single chip.

Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) increased that number into the millions. Ability to install so many components in a chip half the size coins encourage lower prices and the size of the computer. It also increased their power, efficiency and reliability. Intel 4004 chip made in 1971, took the IC with all the components of a computer (central processing unit, memory, and control input / output) in a very small chip. Previously, the IC is made to do a certain task specific. Now, a microprocessor can be manufactured and then programmed to meet all the requirements. Not long after, every household devices such as microwave ovens, televisions, and cars with electronic fuel injection (EFI) equipped with a microprocessor.


Although the transistor is in many respects the vacuum tube, but transistors generate considerable heat, which can potentially damage the internal parts of the computer. Quartz stone (quartz rock) eliminates this problem. Jack Kilby, an engineer at Texas Instruments, developed the integrated circuit (IC: integrated circuit) in 1958. The IC combined three electronic components in a small silicon disc made of quartz sand. Scientists later managed to fit more components into a single chip, called a semiconductor. As a result, computers become smaller because the components can be squeezed onto the chip. Other third-generation development is the use of the operating system (operating system) that allows the engine to run many different programs at once with a central program that monitored and coordinated the computer's memory.


In 1948, the invention of the transistor greatly influenced the development of the computer. Transistors replaced vacuum tubes in television, radio, and computers. As a result, the size of the electrical machines is reduced drastically.

The transistor used in computers began in 1956. Coupled with early advances in magnetic-core memory to second generation computers smaller, faster, more reliable, and more energy efficient than their predecessors. The first machine that utilizes this new technology is a supercomputer. IBM makes supercomputer named Stretch, and Sprery-Rand makes a computer named LARC. These computers, which were developed for atomic energy laboratories, can handle large amounts of data, a capability that is needed by researchers atoms. The machine is very expensive and tend to be too complex for business computing needs, thereby limiting. There are only two LARC has been installed and used: one at the Lawrence Radiation Labs in Livermore, California, and the other in the US Navy Research and Development Center in Washington DC Second generation computer replaces the assembly language machine language. Assembly language is a language that uses abbreviations to replace the binary code.


Computers are tools used to process the data according to the commands that have been formulated. Computer word originally used to describe people who work perform arithmetic calculations, with or without aids, but the meaning of the word is then transferred to the machine itself. Originally, the processing of information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.

Broadly, the computer can be defined as an electronic device that consists of several components, which can cooperate between the components with one another to produce an information based on existing programs and data. The computer components are included: Screen Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse and Printer (as a complement). Without a computer printer can still do its job as a data processor, but not limited to visible screen monitor in print form (paper).


In this post I will be a little outlines a brief history of the pen or ballpoint pen. Ballpoint pen is derived from English (ballpoint pen) is stationery that ends using a small ball that rotates to control spending viscous ink that is stored in a cylindrical column. Tip pens in the form of small balls darikuningan, steel, or tungsten carbide whose diameter varies, generally 0.7 to 1.2 mm. [1] Large diameter ball effect on the thickness of writing on paper. Immediately after the ink dried in contact with the paper. Different pen to pen, pen-priced and free maintenance.

Initially, stationery ink pen and ink are used separately. Pen used initially made of goose feathers like that are commonly used in Europe in the Middle Ages, reed stems of water used in the East Central or even brush used in China and Japan. The disadvantage is often inconvenient to use because the wearer or even spilled splattered ink on paper.

Pen invented by Hungarian journalist, László Bíró in 1938. The Bureau noted that the ink used in newspaper printing dries quickly and does not leave stains on the paper. Other difficulties when using the pen for correcting manuscripts written on thin paper like ink widened, spilled or torn paper as a sharp stroke of the pen.


Color is an important and dominant element in a creation of design work. Through the color of an object can describe achieve conformity with the actual reality.

Color is a certain spectrum contained in a perfect light (white). The identity of a specified color of the light wavelength. For example, the blue color has a wavelength of 460 nanometers.

Wavelength colors the human eye can still be caught ranged between 380-780 nanometers.

In the optical equipment, color can also mean the brain interpretation of the mixture of three primary colors of light: red, green, blue are combined in a particular composition. For example, mixing 100% red, 0% green, and blue 100% would produce a magenta color interpretation.

In art, the colors could mean a certain reflection of light which is influenced by the pigment contained in the surface of the object. For example, mixing magenta and cyan pigment with proper proportions and perfect white light illuminated will produce a sensation similar to the color red.

Each color can give the impression of a particular identity according to the conditions and social observer. For example, the white color will give the impression of pure and cold in the West because it is associated with snow. While in most countries of Eastern white color gives the impression of death and very scary because it is associated with a shroud (although theoretically actually white is not a color).


Blogger buddy of course we are so familiar with the affairs of the paper.So true !! we can not escape from the paper in our lives because paper is something that is very important in business offices, schools, industries and so on.

  For some people specify the type of paper to print a document or to make the envelope is something that is difficult. But actually very easy to determine the type of paper as long as we know the form of a document like what we will do, for example, want to make a book for example. For that we need to understand the types of paper according to function. Here's a little picture to understand the function of these paper types, especially for printing in digital printing.

a. . Type Paper To Cover Books.
For the kind of soft cover books or volumes are common staples or standard cover used is 260 gsm art paper carton. But it could also use a thinner such as art carton 210 gsm or heavier 310 gsm art carton. Can be varied depending on the desire and creativity of course.


Stationery is the equipment used to write or carve or shape marks on a surface. These tools are typically used by hand and contains a pigment for coloring the surface. Commonly used surface is non-porous surface for absorbing pigments which are types of paper, plastic, glass, leather, wood and others.

Stationery is a very important office supplies, without these tools work we would be stalled and would not even resolved. There are so many kinds of stationery such as:
 Pens
 Pencil

 whiteboard markers
 small Markers
 Paper polio
 Album cards
 Envelopes
 Book agenda
 quarto book
 Note book
 The ink and printer ribbons
 Paper color
 Paper opaque
 Lebel paper
 Tape clear or brown
 Glue sticks
 staples and contents
 Ink stamp
 stamp pads
 Ruler
 Removal
 Correction Pen
 Scissors
 Cutter
 Calculator
 Folder paper
 Typewriters
 Computer
 Printer
 printer ink