The development and progress of various information and communication technology equipment is inseparable from the development of calculators, ranging from the fairly simple to complex, such as a computer.

Totalizer or Calculator is a tool to calculate from simple calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division up to the scientific calculator which can calculate certain mathematical formula. In the present development, calculators often included as an additional function rather than a computer, mobile phone, even to watch. Here are various calculators in accordance with the early days to the modern development.

In Asia thousands of years ago, Chinese people use Abakus they called Suan-pan (read swanpan) to speed up the computation. Indonesian people call Abacus or Senpoa.
Abacus or counting frame or abacus is an ancient tool for counting are made of a wooden frame with a series of shaft contains beads that slide-slide. Abacus is used to perform arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and square root.
Abacus has been used for centuries before the familiar Hindu Arabic number system and traders are still used in many parts of the world such as in China.
Abacus arithmetic is often used as a tool for the blind because the beads on the abacus can be easily felt with the fingers. A piece of soft cloth or a piece of rubber is usually placed under the abacus to prevent the beads move inadvertently.
The origins of the abacus difficult to trace because of calculators that something like an abacus widely known in various cultures in the world. Abacus supposedly already in Babylon and in China around the year 2400 BC and 300 BC. Ancient people count by creating lines and putting stones on the sand which is an early form of a wide variety of abacus.
In English, known abacus abacus. The use of the word abacus began in 1387, borrowed the Latin word derived from the word abakos abax which in Greek means "table calculations." In Greek, the word also means abax table to draw geometric shapes in the dust or sand. Linguistic experts speculate that the word is derived from the word ābāq abax which in Hebrew means "dust." Others say abacus comes from the word that the family abak Phoenician means "sand."
This tool is considered as the beginning of computing machines that appeared in 5000 years ago, and is an ancient calculation tool that is used by the ancient Romans and Greeks. Abacus at this time in use by traders to calculate trade transactions, and the abacus is still used in China and some countries in Asia, along with the emergence of a pencil and paper.

John Napier (1550 - 1617) was a Scottish mathematician who reshaped multiplication felt boring to form summation. He made the sticks of bone and because of its elongated shape and resemble bones to multiplication that is known as Napier's Bone (Bones Napier). Napier is the inventor of logarithms in 1594 and written in a book in 1614

3. Ruler Shear
William Oughtred (1514 - 1660), an English mathematician who discovered the symbol:
- "X" for multiplication.
- ":" For comparison.
Oughtred introduce the symbol "X" in his book entitled "Clavis Mathematicae". William Oughtred also wrote 150 mathematical symbol. And creating Slide Ruler in 1622.
This tool is the development of an existing Napier's bones, equipped with the operating results of the calculation of multiplication and division with the addition and subtraction.

4. Numerical Wheels Calculator
In 1642, Blaise Pascal (1623-1662), a French mathematician, who at that time was 18 years old has found what he calls a numerical wheel calculator (numerical wheel calculator) .When it, Pascal made objects deliberately he created to help his father with a variety of calculations required in his job as a tax inspector. This machine is then given the name "Arithmatique" or "Pascaline". Pascaline using eight serrated wheel is used to add numbers to eight digits. This tool is a calculator tool based on ten. Pascal-made machine is one of the world's first machine that adds mechanical therein. The weakness of this tool is only limited to the sum alone.

In 1694 a German mathematician and philosopher 'Gottfred Wilhelm von Leibniz (1646-1716)' has improved the Pascaline by creating a machine that can multiply. Just like its predecessor, this mechanical device works by using a serrated wheels. By studying the notes and drawings made by Pascal, Leibniz can improve the tool. Then in 1820, mechanical calculators became popular.

Then in 1820, mechanical calculators became popular. Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar invented machines that can perform four basic arithmetic functions. Colmar mechanical calculator named arithometer, presenting a more practical approach in the calculation. because, the tool can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. With his ability, arithometer widely used until World War I. Together with the idea of Pascal and Leibniz, Colmar helped build a mechanical computing era.

In 1822 a British mathematics professor, Charles Babbage (1791-1871), find a machine to perform the calculation of differential equations. The machine is called Machine Differential. In 1812, Babbage noticed a natural suitability between mechanical and mathematical engine is excellent mechanical machines in the same tasks repeatedly without error. 1822 Babbage proposed a machine to perform the calculation of differential equations called Differential Engine that uses steam power and can store programs, can also perform calculations and print the results automatically. Ten years later Babbage was suddenly inspired to create a general-purpose computer first, called the Analytical Engine. Babbage was inspired to start making general-purpose computer first, called the Analytical Engine.
Trip calculating machine so long and have so much influence in the world, will become even more important in the future-the future. greatly influenced the development or history of mathematics and computerization. The complexity of the manufacture of the machine count and the many benefits derived from a calculating machine finally in modern times is optimized or redeveloped into a computer and mathematical systems.
In 1834 he had the idea to create a calculating machine that can be programmed or analytical calculating machine. However, due to lack of technological support, the dream never materialized. However, because this idea is regarded as the inventor Charles Babbage Informatics.

Babbage's assistant, Augusta Ada King (1815-1842) has a central role in the making of this machine. He helped revise the plan, seek funding from the British government, and communicate to the public the Analytical Engine specifications. In addition, a good understanding of Augusta machine makes it possible to put instructions into the machine and also making it the first female programmer. In 1980, the US Defense Department named a programming language ADA named in his honor.

9. Perforated Cards
In 1889, Herman Hollerith (1860-1929) discovered a quick way of doing calculations for the US Census Bureau. Hollerith used perforated cards to enter census data are then processed by the tool mechanically. The card can store up to 80 variables so that the results of the census can be completed within 6 weeks. This card has the advantage in speed and as a data storage medium.

10. Atanasoff-Berry COMPUTER
Vannevar Bush (1890-1974) created a calculator to solve differential equations in 1931. The machine could solve complex differential equations that have been considered complicated by academics. The machine is very large and heavy due to the hundreds of teeth and the shaft is required to perform perhitungan.Pada 1903, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry tried to make a computer that uses Boolean algebra in electrical circuits. This approach is based on the work of George Boole (1815-1864) of the binary system of algebra, which states that any mathematical equation can be expressed as true or false. By applying the conditions are right and wrong into the electrical circuit in the form of connected-disconnected, Atanasoff and Berry made the first electronic computer in 1940. But their project stalled due to loss of funding sources.

In 1902, Dalton created The Dalton Adding Machine-listing which is the first digit subtraction machine 10.
Years 1900-1975, calculators began to change shape becomes smaller with the addition of various features of the calculation. Madas_20bzs is one example of a calculator that is produced during this period. This calculator has been run by electricity and can perform multiplication and division automatically.
  1948 was the last year the development of mechanical calculators. Curta, handheld-sized mechanical calculator was first introduced to the masses. This calculator is one of the most important invention of the mechanical calculator in the mid 20th century.
- Entirely mechanically driven, no electricity or batteries
- Designed by Curt Herzstark 1938 and perfected in the concentration camp
- Recognized as the most efficient portable calculator (until the advent of the electronic calculator 70s)
- Recognized as a result of the amazing engineering art
From 1948 to 1980, the mathematician and entrepreneurs create and develop in the form of a desktop calculator is a calculator that has a LED display (Liquid Emitting Diode) to display the results of a calculation. Calculators are created from time to time change the shape becomes increasingly slim, easy to carry, and with a more affordable price and generally can be considered cheap.
1965, began the development of a handheld calculator that is portable or portability. This calculator manufactured by Texas Instruments, referred to as the "Cal-Tech".
In 1969, the first electronic calculator with power from the batteries. This calculator uses LSI (Large Scale Integration). This calculator also uses green screen (LED).

  1970, created a calculator that can be removed from the pack is made from hard. This calculator enough when placed in the bag.
Scientific calculator was first created in 1972. The company that manufactures this calculator is rapidly increasing and rapid price also dropped dramatically. In this year also tried the LCD (Light Crystal Diode).
In 1976, the calculator screen of green base color with a red LED is replaced with an LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) are marked in black. Is replaced because the LCD screen does not require as much power LEDs, they also have a digit-digit number that is larger and obviously because of the contrast with the color behind it.
In 1978, for the first time created a solar powered calculator with solar panels on each product. In this year also created the first credit card-sized calculator.
In 1980, created the first calculator with a QWERTY keypad and a walk with the BASIC language.
In general, there is a calculator:
• Power source - battery or solar cell
• Keypad - to enter numbers and counting command (plus, minus, multiply, for)
• Processor chip (microprocessor) contains various units.
• Display screen - to display the number, command, and the results.

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