In this post I will be a little outlines a brief history of the pen or ballpoint pen. Ballpoint pen is derived from English (ballpoint pen) is stationery that ends using a small ball that rotates to control spending viscous ink that is stored in a cylindrical column. Tip pens in the form of small balls darikuningan, steel, or tungsten carbide whose diameter varies, generally 0.7 to 1.2 mm. [1] Large diameter ball effect on the thickness of writing on paper. Immediately after the ink dried in contact with the paper. Different pen to pen, pen-priced and free maintenance.

Initially, stationery ink pen and ink are used separately. Pen used initially made of goose feathers like that are commonly used in Europe in the Middle Ages, reed stems of water used in the East Central or even brush used in China and Japan. The disadvantage is often inconvenient to use because the wearer or even spilled splattered ink on paper.

Pen invented by Hungarian journalist, László Bíró in 1938. The Bureau noted that the ink used in newspaper printing dries quickly and does not leave stains on the paper. Other difficulties when using the pen for correcting manuscripts written on thin paper like ink widened, spilled or torn paper as a sharp stroke of the pen.

Together with his brother George, a chemist, he developed a new pen tip in the form of a ball which can rotate freely in a hole. When spinning, the ball will take the ink from a cartridge, ink soaks small ball capillary flow and with the help of gravity. and then roll that attaches to the paper. Because of the small ball that the new pen ball point pen was called or commonly known as a pen.

This design was later patented in Argentina on June 10, 1943 and sold under the brand Birome, which still survive today.

The development of a ballpoint pen
Two Englishman, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles supports this notion. They later went on to pursue this new stationery manufacture and sale to the British Royal Air Force who need stationery that is leakproof and overflow for use on aircraft used in World War II.

At the same time, in the United States, Milton Reynolds from Chicago to buy new stationery. He then perfected it and sell it to the American soldiers. But it's still not as perfect pen pens available at this moment.

Franz Szech, a resident of California, trying to find the perfect ink and managed to make the ink from the kitchen rumahnya.Tinta it is much more durable and long lasting are in pen, ink, but unfortunately it gradually becomes dry when exposed to air.

After World War II ended, the people gathered at Gimbels storefront shopping center in New York. In this storefront provided a large water tank which is surrounded by visitors. The water tank is used to demonstrate the stationery of the pen used below the waterline. The pen is promoted using artificial ink Szech.

Pen space
Before using a special pen, the spaceman or astronaut wearing ordinary carbon pencil because ordinary ballpoint pen can not be used due to the pressure in the vacuum space that will suck the ink runs out.

Special pen space designed by Paul C. Fisher, in July 1966. The trial pens include conditions under water, space weightlessness and vacuum pressure. This pen was first tested by Dr. Robert Gilruth, Director of NASA, in Houston, Texas. In 1967, it passed the test pen and selected for use by the Apollo astronauts.

Because ordinary ballpoint pen uses gravity to remove the ink. Then there must be a hole for breathing at the upper end of reservoir tube. But for pen space, breathing hole is not applicable because the ink may be sucked away by the vacuum pressure in space. Therefore, the ink is made of complex materials. For example, thixotropic, solid-gel ink, cohesive, adhesive and visco-elastic (shaped like chewing gum). This ink is able to resist the pressure vacuum in space. The ink will not dry guaranteed for 100 years.

Still on her pen, her rubber sealant extra hard and tight to hold the ink was sucked by vacuum pressure. But on the other hand, the ink must be removed when the pen is used. This rubber researched and recommended by NASA. To encourage the ink out, on tube measuring half the little finger Nitrogen gas filled measuring 3,139 kg / cm, the gas that is used for shock absorbers and tires F-1 racing car. In freezing temperatures -15.12 degrees Celsius or 662.4 degrees Celsius heat, the pen still functioning.

Meanwhile, the nib is made of stainless steel (stainless steel) which will spin the ball-shaped pen-driven rhythm. Thixontropic ink attached to the steel ball is very smooth so as to slip between viscoelastic rubber sealant. Although subtle, the ink is able to remain firmly legible and almost does not depend in any condition where the pen can be used.
In addition to NASA, branded pens Fisher Space Pen's not just worn by the astronauts and NASA. The Russian government also use this pen for the astronauts.

The story behind a pen space
Fisher's ballpoint pen space is also another story of a mission to save the first human landing on the moon where astronauts were barely able to return to earth.

When the task is completed in a month and the astronauts had to return to earth, sudden incidents. When they return to the lunar module, suddenly one of the buffer (life support) drift and hit the protective plastic lunar module engine starter switch. Not dijalaskan whom this pemiliknya.Insiden fatal. The protective plastic is quite fragile and unable to function as a protector. As a result, the switch was broken and would not hidup.Masalah rocket engines as this is already taken into account and must be anticipated. Between astronauts and cotrol room in Houston happen communication to resolve the issue.
Actually the problem is, the engine can be turned on by using a screwdriver. But the problem is not equipped astronaut keys to press weights. Then from lightning experiments, Fisher space pen body is able to conduct electricity with power, voltage, electric current and a strong electrical resistance extra precision and all have been met by the ballpoint pen. Thanks to the pen that brought them used to connect power to the switch is defective, the astronauts can return safely to earth.

This story was revealed by NASA's John McLeish PR quarantined with Edwin Aldrin and Neil Armstrong after they both landed safely on earth. This story is not exposed because everyone in that time including NASA fascinated with human landing on the moon.

Reference: http://id.wikipedia.org

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