Color is an important and dominant element in a creation of design work. Through the color of an object can describe achieve conformity with the actual reality.
Color is a certain spectrum contained in a perfect light (white). The identity of a specified color of the light wavelength. For example, the blue color has a wavelength of 460 nanometers.
Wavelength colors the human eye can still be caught ranged between 380-780 nanometers.
In the optical equipment, color can also mean the brain interpretation of the mixture of three primary colors of light: red, green, blue are combined in a particular composition. For example, mixing 100% red, 0% green, and blue 100% would produce a magenta color interpretation.
In art, the colors could mean a certain reflection of light which is influenced by the pigment contained in the surface of the object. For example, mixing magenta and cyan pigment with proper proportions and perfect white light illuminated will produce a sensation similar to the color red.
Each color can give the impression of a particular identity according to the conditions and social observer. For example, the white color will give the impression of pure and cold in the West because it is associated with snow. While in most countries of Eastern white color gives the impression of death and very scary because it is associated with a shroud (although theoretically actually white is not a color).

Colors can be classified based on the type of color, tonal, and the meaning of colors.
1 Type Color
In the system Prang (The Prang System), color in this case is the pigment that can be classified as types of colors as follows:
1) The primary colors, namely the three primary colors of red, blue, and yellow.
2) Secondary color / binary, which is a combination of two primary colors and produce green, orange and purple.
3) Color intermediate, which is a mixture of primary color with a secondary color, produces a yellow color green, green-blue, blue-purple, red-purple, red-orange, and yellow-orange.
4) Color tertiary, which is a mixture of secondary colors and intermediate colors and produce as many as 12 colors.
5) Color quarterner, ie intermediate color mixing with tertiary colors and produce as many as 24 colors.
2 The nature of color
Color properties are grouped into three, namely: hue, value, and intensity.
1) Hue
Hue is the term used to indicate the name of a color, such as red, blue, yellow, green, brown, purple, orange, and other colors. The difference between the red with blue, or red with yellow is the difference in hue.
2) Value
Value is a term to express the brightness of dark color or the price of a hue. To change the value, for example, from the normal red to pink can be achieved by adding white or color mencaikan is to give the impression of light. And to give the impression of an old dark red for example can be achieved by adding black. Value which is mid-called middle value and which is above the middle value called high value, being that are below called low value. Values which are brighter than normal colors called a darker tint and shade called. Close value is the value that is adjacent to or concurrently and look soft and light.
3) Intensity
Intensity or chroma is a term to express bright or gloomy color, quality or strength of color. The colors look very striking full intensity and firm effects, are the colors of low intensity appear softer.
Based alloy color (color scheme), the color can be divided into three types namely:
1) Color monokromatrik are levels of color from dark to light in the order of one color, for example, the sequence of dark red to red to the youngest.
2) Color Complementer, ie two opposite colors in a position facing each other, have a balanced force, for example, contrasting yellow, purple, blue contrasting orange, red and green contrast.
3) Color analogus are levels of color from dark to light in the order of several colors, for example, the sequence of blue, turquoise, green, yellowish green, and yellow.
3 Meaning of Colors
As with other design elements, colors also have different meanings, among others, as follows:
1) Red has meaning fire, heat, anger, danger, action, dashing, bold, lively, cheerful and dynamic.
2) White has a sacred meaning, death, clean, innocent, and honest.
3) Yellow has meaning sun, sunny, joy, light, envy, and hate.
4) Yellow gold has meaning famous, grand, noble, and glorious.
5) Brown has a stable and solid meaning.
6) Orange has meaning cook, happy, twilight, carefree, the renowned and glorious.
7) Blue has a quiet sense, reality, peace, truth, sadness and faithful.
8) Green is the meaning of cold, cool, calm, fresh, raw, growth, and hope.
9) Pink has a romantic meaning, and light.
10) Purple has a wealth of meaning, mourning, nobility, luxury, mourning, and contains confidential.
11) Black has the meaning of tragedy, death, sorrow, darkness, unseen, assertive, and in.
Making of color is affected by aspects of local culture. Meanings of colors associated with the color as a symbol, in each region or regions, will be different, according to the meanings in the local culture.
flag sign of death, in Indonesia vary according to the local area. In Yogyakarta, red flags, in Jakarta - yellow, in Sulawesi - white, in Sumatra - the red, and so on.
In China, the color red means love, while in Indonesia means angry or bold. Hope it is useful.
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